Sunday 30 September 2007

PSHE lessons

Hi Year 6,
Ms Jones here, I found this cool game relating to our PSHE topic this term. Just follow the link below to the game 'You make me sick':

We are going to be learning about how drug abuse affects the human body, so this game will give you a head start into what drug abuse can do to your body and brain.

That homework link

Just in case you can't find it, here's the Numbercop link that you'll need for part of this week's homework:

While we're on it, what do you think of having an internet game or activity as part of your weekly homework? Is it a good idea, or something you'd rather not have to do?

Let us know by voting in the poll on the right.

Tuesday 25 September 2007

Let there be... week 4

Week four is upon us - and finally week 4's blog appears.

Lots happening in school this week - including the first of our P.E. sessions with the coaches from Arsenal and the first Science Investigation Day of Autumn Term.

In maths this week, both groups will be reviewing factors and multiples. We will be revising things like...

What is a factor?
What is a multiple?
How many multiples of 4 are there between 223 and 230?
What is a prime number?

If you want to get ahead this week, take a look at these tests of divisibility:

A number is divisible by 2 if the last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8.
A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of the digits is divisible by 3.
A number is divisible by 4 if the number formed by the last two digits is divisible by 4.
A number is divisible by 5 if the last digit is either 0 or 5.
A number is divisible by 6 if it is divisible by 2 AND it is divisible by 3.
A number is divisible by 8 if the number formed by the last three digits is divisible by 8.
A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of the digits is divisible by 9.
A number is divisible by 10 if the last digit is 0.

These are borrowed from the following site:

Some of them you may know; some of them you may not. Test them out to see if they work and try to remember them. They're another brilliant trick you can put in that maths-toolbox you keep in your head.

Ok - back to prime numbers - each of which as you know has only two factors ('1' and itself). Prime numbers are amazing things once you get to know a little bit about them! Have a look at these fascinating facts...

"What no maths games this week?!" I hear you cry. Oh go on then... this game is called Numbercop:

It'll help you to know your primes and multiples. Click on the link, enter a name and then select 'prime numbers' or maybe a multiple you want to test yourself on. You'll figure out the rest!

We'll be continuing learning how to put together an exciting Powerpoint presentation this week in ICT. We'll be programming some buttons so that our end-user can go backwards and forwards through the slideshow as they please.

If you want to make a cool looking button to copy and paste into your slideshow, take a look at this site. You can use it to make some very nice shiny buttons with your own text on them:

A couple of sites you might find useful if you're bored with WordArt:

Make some fabulous text and get copying and pasting (to copy the text that you generate, 'right-click' on it and select 'copy', then paste into your presentation).

Have fun!

News just in! First pictures of salt crystals grown in last week's homework have arrived this afternoon from Kelsen. Thanks Kelsen! Here they are:

Sunday 16 September 2007

Week 3 it is then...

Well done to all Year 6 children who came along to the Imperial War Museum last week - it was great to see you all researching our World War II topic with such gusto! Just outside the 1940s house, many of you noticed and spoke to Joan - who was evacuated to Canada during the war. She told me how impressed she was with your behaviour and your fascinating questions!

Anyway - on to week three...

We'll be creating some mind-maps in History this week for the display boards in the KS2 corridor. If you really want to get ahead then watch this video by the Tony Buzan - the man who invented them! In it, he gives a few tips about how to use them to maximise your learning power:

Have a quick look at the image below - it's a mind-map all about global warming. It'll give you an idea of what a good mind-map looks like. Notice how the creator has included lots of colour and drawings to make it eye-catching.

This week we will be beginning setting in maths. I will be teaching the more difficult Year 6 mathematical concepts to my group, while Miss. McCarney will be covering some earlier concepts in order to help her group catch up a bit. We will be watching your work very carefully to make sure that you are in the right group.

As promised, here's a link to the broken calculator game we played last week.

If you get to Level 2, you may be confused by the button with a sort of 'tick' shape () on it. This means square root. You probably know that 2 squared or 22 means take the number 2 and multiply it by itself . So...

22 = 2 x 2 = 4.
32 = 3 x 3 = 9
42 = 4 x 4 = 16
52 = 5 x 5 = 25

Here's a quick game to help you to recognise a few square numbers:

Finding the square root of a number is the inverse operation of finding the square of a number. To find the square root of a number, you have to find another number which you can multiply by itself to get the first number.

For example, let's find the square root of 25 (we write 25).
What number must I multiply by itself to get an answer of 25?
Of course... 5 x 5 = 25, so the square root of 25 is 5.

What is the square root of 36?
What is 81 ?

What is 169?

On a calculator, to find the square root of any number, key in the number and then press the key.

That'll do for this week. Remember - keep sending your comments. Maybe you could send a link to one of your favourite websites.

Tuesday 11 September 2007

Right then - ready for week two?

You survived the first week in Year 6!

Judging by the way you've all settled down to hard work, I can tell it's going to be a year of achievement and learning - so WELL DONE!

Back to business...

As you know, we'll be talking about some big numbers in maths this week. We'll be reviewing place value and multiplying/dividing by 10, 100, 1000.

Many of you were asking where numbers go after million, billion and trillion. As promised, you can find out the answer on this link:

But how big exactly are some of these numbers? To find out, visit the megapenny project on this link:

You'll be able to see what a million pennies looks like and much more!

Don't worry! You won't need to know any of these huge numbers in order to answer any KS2 SATs questions; it's just for fun.

Last of all, we'll be looking at some function machines. Don't know what a function machine is? There's a brilliant introduction to them on this link:

Read the instructions and have a go at some of the questions. They get harder as you go along so see how far you can get! If you bring a print out of your answers into school and show it to Mr. Hanley or Miss. McCarney before Friday then you will be rewarded with 5 BICD!

We'll be having a go at planning and beginning to write our own suspense stories in Literacy this week. Not read many stories lately? Have a look at a few of the short stories on this site to get you in a narrative mood:

Have fun!

Monday 3 September 2007

Welcome back!

A big welcome back to our new Year 6 children!

Hopefully you've had a summer of fun and frolics as well as perhaps a little relaxation here and there. Year 6 is an exciting time for all concerned - a chance for you to work really hard and show off your potential; and a chance for us Year 6 teachers to help you achieve as much as you can in your final year of primary education.

Ok, I'll stop waffling now. Here's a couple of things you can try if you want to get off to a flying start this year...

This week, we'll be beginning our history topic on 'What was it like for children in World War Two?' In fact, we'll be visiting the Imperial War Museum in Lambeth next Friday (14th September) in order to view their excellent WWII artifacts and exhibitions.

Find out anything you can about the Second World War. Perhaps you could...

  • chat to adult members of your family to find out what they know about it

  • visit the library (ask the librarian to show you where to find books on the war)

  • have a look at this link and read a little about it

Our curricular targets in maths this term will be all about TIMES-TABLES! So why not get ahead of the game by practising the ones you do know and learning the ones you don't.

Don't do it on your own! Get somebody at home to help and test you; team up with a friend in the playground and test each other; play some of the tables games on websites like this one.

If you're thinking you can relax because you know them all already - DON'T! Make sure you can answer related questions like...

5.6 ÷ 8 = ?
6 x ? = 4,200
70 x 800 = ?
How many 60p pencils can I buy for £24?

We'll be testing you for your Bronze, Silver and Gold in each times table soon - so be ready to be a times-table hero!