Tuesday 20 November 2007

Back online!

Been a while since the last blog post - it's taken until now to catch my breath after the cycle ride! Thanks to Mrs. Jones for getting things rolling again!

Right then - first up - let's hear your ideas for the next poll question to go on the top right of this blog. We've done favourite story characters and online games for homework - what would be an interesting question to have up next?

What a roller coaster ride 'Reversible and Irreversible changes' was! Judging by this week's assessments, you all know lots about heating, burning, melting, reacting, cooling all sorts of different materials. Want to test your knowledge? Have a go at...


Nearly forgot the recipe for the delicious bread we made a few weeks ago This one is adapted from www.goodnessdirect.co.uk:

650g Strong white bread flour
10ml salt
5ml sugar (a teaspoon full)
15ml vegetable oil (a tablespoon full)
10ml fast-action yeast (2 teaspoons full)
400ml warm water (1 part boiling, 2 parts cold)
1. In a warm bowl mix flour, salt, sugar and stir in yeast. Add oil.
2. Add warm water and mix to soft dough. Knead for 10 min on a warm floured surface.
3. Rub some oil or butter around a baking tin and put in your dough.
4. Cover and leave to rise for about 30 min in a warm place.
5. Place in middle of a preheated oven at 230°C <-- get an adult to help you with this!
6. Bake for 30-35 min. Carefully and using oven gloves, remove from oven and turn onto a wire tray.

Allow it to cool and enjoy with butter and marmite (or for you strange ones - butter and jam).

Maths week next week (the end of a long wait for Ali!). Lots of maths activities including the return of the legendary TIMES TABLE CHAMPIONSHIP!

Want to get some practice? Try these links:


That'll do for now. Enjoy the rest of Assessment Week!


Anonymous said...

hi sir,
i like the multiplication mole game but i did not like the fact that they were killed by the hammer!


Anonymous said...

hi mr h,

i really like the grid game where you have to click on the grid numbers.
its best to do it without the numbers on the grid and with the timer on.
it really tests your knowledge!


Anonymous said...

The games are very funny and fun! I licked the mole game the best because t is raelly tricky also verry funny!!

Thank you by Jade

Anonymous said...

Hi mark hanley

I like the game on the blog it was fun.i tryed my best and i got 20 on one of the games but i forgot what was the game name was . but i liked it it was fun.

hope you see my comment.

By Shahnaz

Ali said...

i got through to the next round on times tables competition but what does the end of a long wait for Ali!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the games Mr Hanley keep it up

By Deniz!!!!

Ali said...

Can you put up that times table challenge on the blog when you face the clock in 30 seconds.I'm in the last round.It could be nice if you put up another poll with another subject.Today it was roundabout day and i really enjoyed it, it was fun.

Anonymous said...

mr hanley please put the times table challeng on the blog

and by i will miss you